Yoga Teacher Training and Experience
I went to my first ever yoga class in the late 70’s though didn’t start practicing regularly until the early 90’s, over 30 years ago now. I’ve always been interested in well being and natural therapies and in 2006 embarked upon a 3 year Shiatsu course and qualified in 2009 and then went on to train as a Seasonal Yoga teacher and qualified in 2017. Seasonal yoga brings my love of yoga and shiatsu together since it’s yoga combined with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Yoga Experience
I’ve practiced yoga regularly for over 30 years. In that time I’ve practiced quite a few different styles with various great teachers. There are 3 main yoga teachers that I’d like to mention though as they’ve all had an impact on my style of yoga.
Iyengar Yoga Teachers
Fiona Morton was my first regular teacher in 1991 with the Iyengar style of yoga. Iyengar is great for alignment which made complete sense to me. Coupled with Fiona’s teaching style I felt I had stumbled on a great secret!
Hatha Yoga Teachers
Then for no apparent reason apart from perhaps class times I gravitated towards a Hatha Yoga class with Ellen Foley. Ellen’s class centered on breath work and meditation as well as finishing with Om’s. I often wondered at the time what good it was doing me just sitting for 10 minutes ‘doing nothing‘! Little did I know then how important that aspect of yoga really is. I gradually came round to realising this fact. At the end of each class I felt so grounded that I came to describe the classes as ‘magical‘. I then started occasional home practice on top between my sessions.
I then began my three year Shiatsu course in 2006 which meant finding another class at a suitable time. This is when I came across Jude Mills. Another Hatha yoga teacher Jude introduced me to the benefits of workshops and yoga retreats. It was also with Jude that I first experienced the amazing Yoga Nidra!
Seasonal Yoga Teachers
Lastly I have to mention Erin Kyle who introduced me to the wonders Seasonal Yoga and encouraged me to do the Seasonal Yoga Teachers Training. This is when I met Julie Hansson, Sue Woodd and Marit Akintawe the 3 amazing trainers who run the Seasonal Yoga Academy. The year was an amazing one of learning and self development where I also met other great yogis!
Energy Work
Apart from the wisdom imparted from my yoga teachers I have gained further experience by attending various workshops and retreats on Yoga, Shiatsu and Tia Chi. All with lots of other great teachers and energy healers. And it’s here I’d like to mention Elaine Lietchi who is both a great teacher and healer.
Elaine is probably the most experienced shiatsu teacher and practitioner in Scotland and I feel privileged to have studied under her. The 3 year course at the Shiatsu School in Glasgow is truly amazing. The depth of study is only one great aspect to the course. You are guided through the practical and theoretical at a pace that makes sure the knowledge becomes second nature. So you don’t just know it in your head but your whole being, you live it. Although a great self development, the main aspect of the training is achieving the ability to help heal others which is a gift in itself. The knowledge and experience gained here prepped me well for becoming a Seasonal Yoga Teacher.
After gaining my qualification in Shiatsu I practiced from a clinic on a weekly basis, worked within Strathclyde University, City of Glasgow College, British Gas, SECC Glasgow, Borders Books and many other workplaces and events. I then became a board member of the Shiatsu Society (UK) for 3 years. I took a step back from practicing Shiatsu so intensely in 2016 to focus more on my yoga teachers training.
Breath work
I find Pranayama (breath work) just as important, if not more important, than asana work. This is partly due to my own experience. Having had asthma since childhood I became to rely heavily on inhalers. In just 2 weeks I managed to reduce the use of inhalers by 90% with breath work alone. I then eventually managed to come off them completely. This was by practicing the Buteyko Technique (which was overseen by a GP so I wouldn’t advise any asthmatic to just suddenly stop using their inhalers!). The Buteyko technique isn’t actually practiced itself in yoga, though aspects of it is very inherent within some Pranayama. I now incorporate Pranayama into my daily yoga routine. Different Pranayama have different effects on the body and they cannot be under estimated for overall health and well being. More info
Continual Professional Development
I continue to develop my practice by attending various workshops and courses. I’ve attended too many yoga workshops over the years to remember so below is just some of the ones I do as well as some courses of interest. I keep my own energy balanced by a daily yoga, pranayama and meditation routine in the morning. This sometimes includes Qigong and always some form of Mantra. I enjoy other styles of mind/bodywork too such as Feldenkrais, Kundalini Yoga, Qigong and 5 Rhythm dance.
Dru Yoga
Weekend workshop – 10hrs
Scotland 2022
Yoga Scotland
Weekend Workshop – 10hrs
St Andrews 2004
Aryuvedic Nutrition
Weekend Workshop – 10hrs
Glasgow 2005
TaiJi Ch’Uuan
Weekend Workshop – 20hrs
Holy Isle 2007
Sei Ki Healing
With Akinobu Kishi Sensei
Weekend Workshop – 10hrs
Aberdeen 2009
TCM Nutrition
With Daverick Leggit
Weekend Workshop – 10hrs
Edinburgh 2010
More Info
Yoga Retreat
With Jude Mills
One week – 6 days
Italy 2011
Sleep Recovery
With Andrea St Clair
Day Workshop – 5hrs
Edinbrugh 2015
More Info
Sleep Recovery
With Lisa Sanfilippo
Weekend Workshop – 10hrs
Glasgow 2018
Sleep Recovery
With Lisa Sanfilippo
Yoga Therapy for Insomnia
6 day Teacher Training- 40hrs
Online 2020
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Yoga Nidra
With Stephanie Shanti
5 week training – 10hrs
Online 2021
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Seasonal Qigong and Taiji Ch’Uuan
With Sue Woodd
6 week Teacher Training – 50hrs
Online 2022
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Breathwork for Human Potential
With Jessica Dibb and Dr. Daniel Siegel
7 Weeks – 10hrs
Online 2023
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Qigong Healing Sounds
With Master Mingtong Gu
7 Weeks – 10hrs
Online 2023
More Info

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