Winter is a time for rest, a time for stillness. It’s the ultimate Yin time of year where our energy turns inward travelling down to our most deepest level. And only by being still we restore our energy, quiet our mind and find peace. If we think on it as the night of our year then we can see why we should be resting and restoring our energy as that’s what we do at night when we sleep. So winter is like our seasonal bedtime.
In yoga we focus on the back physically with mainly forward folds, back bends, twists and hip openers like pigeon. A lot of floor work as opposed to standing poses with yin and restorative aspects. Mentally and emotionally we work on the nervous system which addresses fatigue and issues such as anxiety and stress. Restorative poses work on the nervous system and bring it back into balance. So mainly gentle relaxing sessions with the poses held for longer and meditation and breath work to calm and relax.
The bladder meridian runs from the inside of the eyebrows in almost parallel lines over the head and down either side of the spine then over the buttocks and down the backs of the legs ending in the little toe.
The kidney meridian runs from the sole of the foot over the ankle and up the inside of the legs and up the front of the body ending just underneath the collar bone at the inside.