All Things Health & Well Being
Useful Resources
Here you will find links to some useful resources. Mostly about yoga but some other ones too like nutrition and seasonal information as well as shiatsu and other therapies. I’m forever letting people know about one thing or another or trying to explain certain yoga styles etc, so I thought it would be best if I had everything in one place and I could then just point them to it. I’ve just started so more will get added in time.
The Breath
Buyteyko is the breathing technique I used over 20 years ago now to help me manage asthma. Within 2 weeks I reduced my dependency on inhalers by 90% and came off them altogether within a few months. If you suffer from asthma then it’s a good technique to know about. It also can help lower blood pressure and in general centre you. Read More >>
Yoga Styles
There are so many different styles of yoga that it can be sometimes hard to define. At one end of the spectrum you have ones like Hot Yoga and Ashtanga which are very high energy and at the other you have Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga which are very grounding with not much movement at all. Read More >>